Monday, January 17, 2011


Geocaching is fun! We have friends who are mad keen on it and we spent one day with them touring the country side looking for them. The kids loved it too and they enjoyed checking out what was inside the container and had items ready to deposit. Upon checking out the sites in Explore #1, I found the Shoshore Public Library had a great idea of hiding it in their library. This would be a fun idea for children to explore the library or anybody who has a sense of adventure I guess. One problem I can think of is if you had a dinosaur mobile phone (me!!).


  1. I agree you would have to have the up-to-date equiptment to participate.

  2. Sounds as if you had a great day, and made great use of this technology.

  3. Agree - dinosaur mobile phones are not the best to have when you are doing this weeks work!

  4. I can see why it would be a fun day out for kids...

  5. I also keep raising this very important point and it is the classic elephant in the room. How many up-to-date phones do we have? Mine is also a much-loved dinosaur. I think this is a great family activity idea and one I could embrace in a few years time as a grandparent. Hopefully I will have updated my phone by then.
